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Assault Girls

After a global thermonuclear war, three experienced female fighters engage in a virtual video game battle against massive mutant sand whales.

Assault Girls

Details of 'Assault Girls'

65 minutes
1.85 : 1

About 'Assault Girls'

“Assault Girls” is a 2009 Japanese sci­ence fic­tion film dir­ected by Mamoru Oshii. The film is set in a post-apo­ca­lyptic world where a vir­tual reality called “Avalon” exists where humans fight mon­strous creatures. The film fol­lows three women known as “Assault Girls” in their attempt to defeat the ulti­mate boss of the game.

One of the cra­ziest con­cepts of the film is the idea that vir­tual reality can actu­ally be vis­ited by players and that there are real con­sequences if you die in the game. The game envir­on­ment is a dan­gerous world full of scary creatures that players must fight in order to pro­gress.

The most striking scenes in the film are the epic battles against the mon­sters and the fight against the final boss.

Another crazy concept in the film is the idea that the Assault Girls are not allowed to have men on their team. The film also plays with dif­ferent con­cepts of reality and vir­tu­ality as the bound­aries between the vir­tual world and the real world keep blur­ring.

In sum­mary, “Assault Girls” is a visu­ally impressive film with many crazy ideas and epic battles. The plot can be a bit con­fusing in places, but the action and visual effects make it an enter­taining film for fans of sci­ence fic­tion and fantasy.

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