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Big Tits Zombies

Lena Jodo is employed at Paradise Ikagawa, a strip club that has been struggling to attract customers, alongside her female colleagues. However, their mundane routine takes a drastic turn when they unintentionally summon an army of zombies. Suddenly, the responsibility of saving the world falls solely on their shoulders.

Big Tits Zombies

Details of 'Big Tits Zombies'

73 minutes

About 'Big Tits Zombies'

“Big Tits Zom­bies” is a Japanese trash film from 2010 that doesn’t take itself too ser­i­ously and gives the zombie film genre an absurd twist. The film is about a group of strip­pers who have to defend them­selves against a horde of zom­bies.

The plot of the film is rather rudi­mentary and primarily serves as a pre­text for numerous bloody and grot­esque scenes. The act­resses play rather clichéd roles, which are mainly not­able for their skimpy out­fits and volup­tuous bust­lines.

One of the most striking scenes in the film is cer­tainly the “Flamethrower Pussy”, in which one of the strip­pers car­ries a mutated flamethrower opening between her legs and uses it as a weapon. There is no shortage of blood and viol­ence in the film either, so that numerous severed body parts and bloody gun battles can be seen.

All in all, “Big Tits Zom­bies” is cer­tainly not a film for all tastes, but fans of the trash genre should get their money’s worth here. The com­bin­a­tion of absurd humour, exag­ger­ated viol­ence and las­ci­vious erot­i­cism makes the film a unique exper­i­ence.

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