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Rise of the Machine Girls

Armed with unique weaponry, a pair of sisters confront the leader of an organ-trafficking syndicate and her formidable army of accomplices.

Rise of the Machine Girls

Details of 'Rise of the Machine Girls'

75 minutes

About 'Rise of the Machine Girls'

“Rise of the Machine Girls” is a dysto­pian action film set in the year 20XX and dir­ected by Noboru Iguchi and Yūya Naka­i­zumi. The film tells the story of two school­girls, Ami and Maki, whose lives take a dra­matic turn when they are drawn into a brutal gang war. After Ami’s sister is killed by the feared motor­bike gang “The Machine Girls”, Ami and Maki decide to take revenge and join the Machine Girls.

“Rise of the Machine Girls” is known for its crazy ideas and bloody viol­ence. The film plays with the genres of action film, sci­ence fic­tion and exploit­a­tion cinema. It often crosses the bound­aries of good taste and offers the viewer a mix­ture of absurd char­ac­ters, exag­ger­ated scenes of viol­ence and sur­real ele­ments.

One of the film’s mad ideas is the depic­tion of the machine girls them­selves. These are arti­fi­cial creatures, half human and half machine, with super­human abil­ities and weapons that they can shoot out of their bodies. They are a mix­ture of cyborgs and super­heroines who know no mercy in their mania for destruc­tion. Their brutal actions are often enhanced by bloody splatter effects that leave the viewer with a mix­ture of revul­sion and fas­cin­a­tion.

Another ele­ment of the film is the por­trayal of viol­ence as an outlet for the oppressed. Ami and Maki become sym­bols of res­ist­ance against the ruling powers and use their phys­ical and tech­no­lo­gical abil­ities to take revenge. In the pro­cess, viol­ence is not glor­i­fied, but presented as a reac­tion to the injustice of society. The film ques­tions whether viol­ence can be a legit­imate means of res­ist­ance and how far one may go to achieve one’s goals.

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